About us

I've been there - run a successful creative business, developed an e-commerce business, launched, imported and manufactured products, designed websites and sales campaigns, managed social media accounts, blogged, liked and linked, forged best practice, outsourced fulfilment, managed employees and demanding clients, fought my way to the top spot on Google, coped with peak seasons (and the low ones) and juggled it all with family life - so I get it.

Simply put, there are not enough hours in the day to do everything now required of you to market a modern day business. Chances are you went into business because you're fantastic at whatever it is you do and want to spend more of your time doing that, not marketing. This is where we can help.

Katharine and Co. is a collective that links entrepreneurs with the talent, skills and experience of professionals, who for lifestyle reasons - parenting, for example, choose not to work a traditional nine to five day. As a result you have an valuable array of industry experience at your disposal, for a fraction of the cost. You can pick and choose services and work on a flexible basis with no on-going commitment. So whether you just need another pair of hands from time to time, or a full growth strategy implemented, let Katharine and Co.  be your go-to Girl Friday for marketing tasks that you:

  • don't like doing
  • don't know how to do
  • don't have time to do.

We'll care about you and your business as if it were our own and you don't need to worry about having another salary to provide for each month, or pension plan to pay in to, or HR practices to navigate. We're on your side, with no strings attached to get stuff done and free up your schedule so you can focus on what you're best at. 

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The Office —
Based in Canterbury, Kent UK, we work entirely virtually, so as a client you can be based anywhere and we use email, phone and Skype to communicate. You can view my calendar to schedule time to talk, or shoot me an email anytime.

We're here to help.
